Kraus Farms Delicious Maple Syrup Caramel
Kraus Farms maple caramel recipe is uniquely flavored and has a silky texture. Maple Syrup Caramel is a simple recipe to follow. It is easy make and tastes better than any store bought caramel. Kraus Farms has created this delicious caramel recipe for you to enjoy. Have you ever craved caramel as a candy? Did you ever want to make some fresh home baked caramel cookies? Follow this few simple steps and you will be on your way to a multitude of compliments and requests.

Kraus Farms Maple Caramel Recipe:
(1) Cup of Pure Kraus Farms Maple Syrup
(1) Cup of Heavy Cream
(1) Cup of Brown Sugar
(1/2) Cup of Kraus Farms Pure Honey
(1/2) Cup of Sweetened Condensed Milk
(1) Teaspoon of Salt
(4) Tablespoons of Unsalted Butter
Recipe Directions:
To make this wonderful recipe, begin heating all the ingredients (EXECPT THE BUTTER) into a 6 quart pot and stir. Don’t stop stirring for too long or the mixture will burn. A spoon holder works well so you don’t waste anything. The whole mixture needs to reach a temperature of 248 degrees F. Once the temperature is reached, remove the mixture form the heat and mix in the butter. After the butter has melted pour it into a baking dish lined with parchment paper. Allow to cool.
Once your caramel cools you can cut it with a buttered knife. Meaning, you can either butter the knife blade or spray it with non stick cooking spray. The caramel will stick to the knife without it. You can cut into smaller pieces and enjoy as a candy. You can cut it into chips and make cookies. If your feeling adventurous you can make your own candy bars. The possibilities are endless.
They took some time to make but the end product is fantastic. Whatever you decide, Kraus Farms Maple Syrup Caramels are sure to be a favorite.